Metin Özdemir*

In this article, I will try to focus on the rational foundations of belief in the existence of Allah, the prophets and the Hereafter, which are expressed as the three basic principles in the religion of Islam. Belief in angels, the holy books, fate and destiny are among the essentials that must be accepted as obligatory if these three basic principles are believed. For this reason, I will only briefly refer to them when appropriate. I will naturally start with the belief in Allah, which is the first necessary basis for the acceptance of other principles. Since the subjects of faith belong to the unseen/unobservable realm, I will try to show the rational foundations of each of these three principles, based on visible facts. In classical terms, I will follow the method of transfer from work to influence or from disability to sickness.


Man is the only creature on earth who thinks about how he and the universe came into existence. In this regard, two alternatives generally appear before him: Either the universe and all living things in it came into existence spontaneously, or they were all created by a being with infinite knowledge, wisdom and might.

Those who take the first alternative as a basis have to accept that the atoms that make up the universe and all living things in it have a consciousness, mind and intelligence that can form a cosmic system based on extremely sensitive settings. Otherwise, how could it be possible, without a certain consciousness, mind and intelligence, to create a delicate balance that does not allow even in the level of one billionth of a billionth, the gravitational, electromagnetic, strong nuclear and weak nuclear forces that sustain the cosmic system to be completely dependent on coincidences? They cannot explain what they have achieved such a balance. In this respect, an atheist, who claims that the universe and all living things in it exist by itself, attributes the qualities that the theist ascribes to a supreme creator, such as infinite knowledge, wisdom and power, to the universe itself or to the atoms that compose it.

Another difficulty for the atheist is that a self-existing being does not need anyone else in its existence. If the universe does not need anyone else in its existence, it is eternal. Because a non-eternal being came into existence in a later period. On the other hand, it is not rationally possible for something that exists afterward to come into existence spontaneously without relying on any cause other than itself. Today's science definitively and clearly states that the universe emerged later. According to scientists, the age of the universe is approximately 14 billion, and the planet we live in is 4 billion. It doesn't matter if these numbers are a little more or less, given the age of the universe and the earth. After all, these figures prove that the universe came into being later. Since it is certain that the universe came into existence later, there must be a cause that brought it into existence. Because common sense considers it impossible for an entity that came into existence to come into existence spontaneously without any reason.

Although there are different theories about the starting point of the universe, the most accepted one is the Big Bang theory. To put it briefly, according to this theory, the singularity point of the universe, which was very hot and dense at the beginning, began to expand and cool gradually, and the cosmic system and the living world within it were formed in an evolutionary process spanning billions of years. This theory, which was put forward by the Russian cosmologist and mathematician Alexander Friedmann, began to be accepted with more confidence among physicists after the thesis that the universe still continues to expand as a result of Edwin Hubble's observations. Of course, modern science continues to advance at a very rapid pace. On December 25, 2021, scientists successfully launched the James Webb telescope, a hundred times more powerful than the Hubble telescope, to a distance of about 1.5 million kilometers from the Guyana Space Center in French Guyana. Space images from this telescope, which will photograph much farther distances in great detail compared to the Hubble telescope in the future, will perhaps lead scientists to revise their theories about the origin of the universe. However, all this will not eliminate the fact that the universe was created later and that it has a cosmic order based on sensitive adjustments that will not allow even a change in amount of billionth of a billionth.

When we look at the issue in the light of these basic facts, there are very important questions to be answered against materialists and atheists who claim that the universe came into existence spontaneously as a result of formations and changes that occur entirely due to coincidences: If the universe came into being by chance, there is no question of a consciousness, mind and intelligence that took part in its formation. we will not be able to. Because in a place where consciousness, mind and intelligence play a role, it is impossible to talk about coincidences. This is such an obvious fact that no one can claim that a chimpanzee could sit at the keyboard and write an article, for example, containing explanations about how the universe came into being, even if it takes trillions of years, let alone 14 billion years. So how can materialists and atheists claim that this indescribable universe, with its billions of galaxies and billions of stars in each galaxy, has an order based on extremely precise settings by chance? Moreover, as Antony Flew points out, how could a being with self-consciousness like a human come into existence by chance from a mass of inanimate matter devoid of consciousness, reason and intelligence? Isn't this equivalent to seeing it as possible for a marble table in front of us to turn into a person with self-consciousness by chance after waiting for trillions of years? (Flew, I Was Wrong, There Was God, Istanbul: 2011, 135-136.)

Each of the countless signs in the universe does not only indicate the existence of a creator with endless knowledge, wisdom and power, but also his unity. If two equal creative powers had been found, it would not be possible to talk about a cosmic order based on extremely delicate settings. Because each creative power could show a will to create in the opposite direction of the other (Anbiya, 21/22). Therefore, the most concrete proof of the oneness of the creator is this cosmic order, the secrets of which even the most intelligent are incapable of solving.

To put it briefly, the Supreme Creator did not allow anyone to witness the creation of the heavens and the earth or the human being (Kahf, 18/51). Therefore, no scientist has had the opportunity to watch the first creation of the universe and man. Everyone is trying to shed light on the past based on the available data. No sane person has any other choice but to bow down to His majesty after seeing the fingerprints of the mighty hand of the supreme Creator, which are evident in every particle of existence.


Man sees that every work done with knowledge and wisdom has a purpose and meaning. From this point of view, the creation of the universe and man must have a purpose and meaning. Otherwise, the universe and man would have been created in vain. Doing empty and meaningless work does not befit a being with infinite knowledge and wisdom.

Since the universe and man could not have been created just to perish, what is the meaning, wisdom and purpose of existence? Of course, a person may feel that he owes gratitude and thanking to his supreme creator, who created him and, moreover, bestowed countless blessings upon him. Maybe he can thank Him for all of this with respect and awe. However, beyond all these, there are many important issues that people are unable to solve: For example, people want to have information about the essence and attributes of their creator. Is it an object; If so, what does it look like? If it is not an object, how can its essence and attributes be known? People also pose very important questions about life: There are terrible evils we encounter in life. Millions of people die from epidemics. Innocent people such as children, women and the elderly are killed in wars. Many people are in the grip of sickness, pain and suffering. On the other hand, some people lead a happy life with one hand in olive oil and one hand in honey. Sometimes a person expected to be happy is unhappy, and a person expected to be unhappy is happy. What is the meaning and wisdom of all this? Can we speak of a creator who allows terrible evils to be just and merciful? Most importantly, will there be a reward for the good and evil in this world after death? Or will they get away with what everyone has done? If there will be a resurrection after death, how will this happen?

It does not seem possible for human beings to give correct and consistent answers to all such questions. As a matter of fact, some people created and worshiped idols in response to their questions about God's personality and attributes, some thought that the universe itself was God (pantheists), some imagined God in the form of a human (Jews, Müşebbihe), and some believed that only one God, consists of three parts: the Father, Son and Ruhu'l-quds; He claimed that the Son appeared on earth in human form and was eventually crucified (Christians). Some, in response to their questions about whether there is a resurrection and whether all the good and bad things in the world have a counterpart, thought that their souls were transferred to the bodies of various living things (Hindus, Buddhists, Jainists, etc.) Other than that, he admitted that he was not interested in anything in the realm of existence (Aristotle). Some, who thought about the meaning and wisdom of the evils that took place on earth, believed in two different creative beings, the God of good and evil (Magicians), some thought that the souls of bad people were sent to the bodies of predatory and wild creatures, while the souls of good people were transferred to the bodies of cute creatures (Hindus), some thought that He accepted that God will not hold anyone accountable, and almost everyone will get away with what they do (deists). Although some deists think that God will take people to account for their actions, how will this happen? For example, they could not say anything about issues such as whether heaven and hell will be eternal or temporary, the nature of reward and punishment.

Mankind needs to find reasonable and consistent answers to the above-mentioned questions in a way that connects everyone. Only the prophets whose accuracy has been proven by miracles can give reasonable and consistent answers to such questions that will bind everyone. Because the mind, intelligence and intuition of human beings do not seem to be capable of giving clear answers on such unseen issues that everyone can agree on. Therefore, throughout history, Allah has sent prophets to guide the idolaters who deny the unity of Himself and His servants who are in doubt and bewildered about the existence and nature of the Hereafter. He gave these prophets various miracles to prove their righteousness. However, none of these miracles happened in such a way as to prevent people from choosing freely. That's why some people described the miracles in question as magic; Others, whose foresight was clear, believed that they came from Allah in order to prove the truth of the person claiming to be a prophet.

The last link in the chain of prophets sent to guide humanity on such important issues is Muhammad. The miracles performed by other prophets, such as the staff of Moses and Jesus' resurrection of the dead, were limited to their own time as they only appealed to the five senses. The miracle of the Qur'an, which is the clear proof of Muhammad's prophethood, is a mental miracle that appeals to all ages. For, for those who doubt that the Qur'an was sent down from Himself, Allah Himself offers to bring a word the like of it (Isra, 17/18), even ten suras (Hud, 11/13) or at least one sura (Yunus, 10/38) challenging them (Tur, 52/34). The Qur'an states that this challenge cannot be answered in any way: "If you are in doubt about what We have revealed to Our servant (Muhammad), then bring a surah like it and if you are truthful , call your witnesses besides Allah (and prove it). If you can't - and you never will - then beware of the fire whose fuel is people and stones. That fire has been prepared for the disbelievers” (Baqara, 2/23-24).

Although 1443 years have passed since the death of the Prophet, no concrete developments have taken place to deny that he was the last prophet and that the book he brought was the last. Of course, there have been some weak claims around the corner. However, none of these could not convince the people around them that they were truly prophets, and they could not succeed in forming an ummah united around their claims. No one who is not sure of his prophethood can claim to be the last prophet by defiance of all ages because he is worried that if he is not sure about it, he will somehow be found out to be a liar.

The above-mentioned matters are the strongest proofs that Muhammad is the last and true prophet. Some of the truths revealed to all humanity in the Qur'an, the last book revealed to him, are as follows: Man is a free being (Kahf, 18/29); therefore he is responsible for all his actions (Tur, 52/29). The most basic duty of man on earth is to know the one and only God and to live in accordance with His commands (Zariyat, 51/56). Because this is the guarantee of his happiness in this world and the hereafter (Ra'd, 13/28; Tahrim, 66/8). Whoever has done an iota of good will receive its reward, and whoever has done an iota of evil will receive its penalty (Zilzal, 99/7-8). However, Allah forgives the sins of all who sincerely repent (Dhariyat 39/53; Tahrim, 66/8). The good things that happen to people are from Allah, and the bad ones are due to their own mistakes (Nisa, 4/79). However, Allah has ordained the coexistence of good and evil in the order of existence (Nisa, 4/78). Because the life of this world is a place of testing. Here, a person is tested on how he will behave in the face of all the events he encounters (Mulk, 67/2). God has given man enough opportunities to deal with evil. Wisdom, conscience and the guidance of divine revelation are among the most important of these (Isra, 17/70; Shams, 91/8). No one has been burdened with a burden beyond his strength (Baqara, 2/286). It is the duty of man, not God, to prevent evil on earth (Rum, 30/41; Shura 42/30). Mankind can be protected to a certain extent from deadly disasters such as earthquakes, epidemics and wars, by holding on to certain causes and taking precautions (Kehf, 18/84/97). However, all the grievances he suffered in situations beyond his power will be fully compensated in the Hereafter (Nisa, 4/49; Isra, 17/71).

Mankind has always needed a reminder to understand and comprehend such truths. Numerous crises in which the tribes who were far from the light and blessings of prophethood fell into history are clear proof of this situation. For this reason, prophets who always acted as clear warners were sent in times of a great crisis of humanity and faith. The last of these prophets is Mohammed.

In this respect, Islam differs from both Judaism and Christianity. Jews do not accept the prophethood of Jesus and Muhammad, Christians sees Jesus as the son of God as well as do not recognize Muhammad as a prophet. On the other hand, Muslims, on the other hand, He believes in all the prophets sent by Allah before Muhammad without any discrimination (Baqara, 2/285) They reject the claim that Jesus is the son of God (Maide, 5/17).


If we do not believe in the hereafter, believing in other principles of belief will have no meaning and value. Because then we accept that we were created for nothing. This is like building a comfortable building with all kinds of needs and then demolishing it for no reason after a while. For this reason, it is unthinkable that the Supreme Creator created the universe and man to eventually perish (Mâtürîdî, Te'vilât, İstanbul: 2003-2005, X, 72). So we must believe that there is a day when everything we do in the world will be held to account.

On the other hand, as a requirement of the sense of justice inherent in human nature, he wants all the cruelties and terrible evils committed on earth to be held to account. No one who listens to the voice of his conscience will not consent to the oppressors who killed innocent children unjustly, to disappear forever without being held accountable for their actions. They desire the establishment of a just court. In this court, they want the supreme creator, whose justice and mercy are endless, to account for all the cruelties and terrible evils done. This powerful voice within us is a clear indication of the existence of the hereafter. In addition, this situation clearly shows that the problem of evil, which atheists put forward as an objection to the existence of Allah, cannot be solved without believing in the hereafter.

Deniers see resurrection as a remote possibility. They ask, who can resurrect bones that have started to crumble with decay? Of course, whoever built them for the first time will resurrect them. Because he knows all kinds of creation, does God, who created the heavens and the earth out of nothing, fail to create their like? (Yasin, 36/78-81). The one who creates something for the first time is of course able to create it again (Isra, 17/51).

Even if common sense has the opportunity to deduce that there should be an afterlife based on the reasons we have presented above, he cannot reach any definite information about the nature of the life in question. This information can only be given to us by the prophets. Because the hereafter is a matter belonging to the unseen realm. Only Allah knows the unseen, and He conveys His knowledge of the unseen to His servants only through the messengers He has chosen among them. Therefore, it is obligatory for every believer who believes in the necessity and truthfulness of the prophets to believe in the hereafter as they have revealed.


Modern science seems to have made two things certain: First, the universe came into existence later; secondly, we are faced with a cosmic system based on extremely sensitive settings. Both situations inevitably point to the existence of a creator with infinite knowledge, wisdom and power. The order in the universe also shows that its creator is the only one person. Because in the existence of a creative power, it should not need anything. He who does not need anything in his existence has no beginning. He who has no beginning has no end, as no other power can be found that can end his existence. Only a single creative entity can possess these properties. In addition, if there are two equal creative powers, it is difficult to talk about the existence of an order in the universe. For, if one of them engages in an activity of creation against the other, the order will be broken. If both want the same thing, the existence of the other will not be necessary.

It is unthinkable that a creator with infinite knowledge, wisdom and power created the universe and man as empty and meaningless. In that case, the universe and man could not have been created to eventually perish. If there is no new life after death, then life in this world has no meaning or value. Because in this case, the good deeds done by enduring great hardships in the world and the cruelty and evil that the oppressed are exposed to will remain unrequited. Therefore, anyone who believes that the universe and man were created by a wise creator must also believe in the existence of another life in which all good and bad deeds will be rewarded / punished. The human mind and intellect are not sufficient to give accurate and consistent information about the nature of this life that will begin after death. He can learn this information about the unseen realm only from the prophets. For this reason, belief in the existence and unity of Allah, the prophets and the Hereafter has been among the essential principles of belief in all divine religions. However, Muslims believe in all prophets including Jesus not like the Jews who rejected the prophethood of Muhammad, and differentiate with Christians by denying that Jesus was the son of God.

Humanism, which developed in the eighteenth century, thought that it could liberate people by breaking them free from these three basic beliefs. However, as Dostoevsky rightly stated, freedom, which humanism sees as self-will and self-proving, not only led to the denial of God, the world and man, but also to the denial of freedom itself. Because “the uncontrollable, immeasurable freedom of lust enslaves man, deprives man of freedom of spirit.” (Berdyaev, Dostoevsky's World View, Ankara: 2021, 72-73). In this respect, humanists who imagine that they can become free by getting rid of God, so to speak, were caught in hail while escaping the rain. Therefore, anyone who wants to step into the freedom of the soul, which saves people from falling into the state of unconscious animals or even lower than them, should start a new life under the shadow of these three basic beliefs.

* Prof. Dr. Metin Özdemir, ASBU Faculty of Islamic Sciences, Department of Theology, Lecturer.