Religiosity, Morality and Values:  A Social Psychological Analysis

What is the relationship between religiosity and morality (virtuousness)? Does religiosity bring along being moral? How can this situation be explained if a person does not take morality into accou...

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How Should We Understand Morality?

In order to find an answer to the question of what morality is, the origin and meanings of the word ‘‘morality’’ must first be taken into consideration. This is because orig...

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The Methods of Coping with Stress/Sorrow: The Case of al-Kindī

Stress is a nervous process that manifests itself as a result of the failure of the person to cope with the problem in question physically and emotionally in the face of any threat perceived by the...

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Ethics of Fiqh in Taha Abderrahmane

As a contemporary Moroccan thinker and scholar, Taha Abderrahmane, within the scope of his analyses on the transfer of Islamic values to the present day, emphasises morality, describes human being...

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Business Ethics Constituting One of Our Unchanging Agendas

There have always been different opinions about the source of morality. While some views consider morality as a human phenomenon completely separate from religion, some other views, on the contrary...

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